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Aliments x Biztory
What is Aliments?

Aliments is a one stop secure payment platform in dining eateries. During food ordering, Aliments allows you to order and pay with just one click without having to call a waiter or queue up for the bill! 

The Seminar Begins!

Last Wednesday on the 19th of June, Biztory hosted a seminar encouraging users to come along and learn more about Biztory and the uses of cloud accounting software. A week before that, our M plan package was upgraded and there were new uses and features to be explained and showcased, including auto-generated recurring bill functions, invoice customisations, price levelling, customer profit reports, and so much more. We felt that customisations are important in creating a strong branding image for your company and it can help drastically enhance your reputation to your customers. Our CEO, Bryan Soong and his partner, Carol, held the talk in front of an audience which consisted of 33 attendees, giving a slightly more personalised and intimate experience due to the size of the audience. During the talk, they explained about Biztory and its many efficient uses and how it can help SMEs keep track of their accounting, quotations, invoices, etc.

Because it is a cloud accounting software, the convenience of having your accounting information available anywhere and everywhere at anytime is highly sought after in the market. Biztory’s aim is to educate the world in getting rid of traditional accounting and stepping into a tech savvy world. With this digital transformation, we aim to encourage everyone to embrace technology. The flexibility of having a cloud accounting software piqued the interests of many and the entire event was met with positive feedback.

How It All Went Down

In the beginning, Bryan talked about the uses of cloud accounting and how practical it can be in a business. The content of the talk was mainly about the unique and general uses of Biztory, helping those in attendance to understand better how to fully utilise the cloud accounting software. After our CEO answered every one of the questions that were given by the audience towards the end, our partner, Aliments gave a short talk on their service as well. Aliments is a one stop secure payment platform in dining eateries and Biztory has since collaborated with them. Aliments is a service that allows you to pay with just one click during food ordering without having to call a waiter or queue up for the bill. During the talk, Aliments explained their service and how convenient they are to local food and beverage businesses that were in attendance and how it can drastically enhance the efficiency of the service in restaurants as well as reduce manual labour and hiring staff like waiters and waitresses. In the end, attendees were informed of ongoing promotions and partnerships Biztory has with other companies. 

To summarize the whole day, the seminar was held for two hours, from 2.30PM to 4.30PM, and attendees were given a special rate for promotions offered on the day itself, plus receiving a huge discount on the aforementioned offers. 

In Case You Missed It! Check Us Out!

After the talk, everyone was given the chance to ask and inquire about Biztory and the benefits of using it. There were many companies that inquired about the seminar and hopefully all questions were answered during the duration of the talk. We have also compiled a video on the day of the seminar, so you can head on over to Biztory’s Facebook page and check it out. Don’t forget to leave a like and share the post while you’re at it too!